Newsletter April 2023

It is now nearly five months since we wrote our last letter. It has been quite difficult to write this

letter because of some of the situations that are happening. Anne has fully recovered from her

episode and she says she has more energy than she has had for a long time. Thank you, Lord,

and thank you all for praying. We are as busy as ever with plenty of guests staying.

We have had a lot of German guests and friends and a few from the US, but very few from the UK.  

We have many daily visitors and requests for people in various types of need, hunger, school fees,

money for hospital bills eg a leg amputation; removal of an infected steel pin in a leg requiring an

operation for a man who has no relatives to help him nor any money.  Many had no harvest last

year. At last, the rains have come very late, so people are planting. Thanks to the help we have

been given, we have been able to distribute four times in the last 11 weeks, 20 bags of maize each

time to 4 areas. The maize is for all as the hunger is great. People are very grateful. We expect this

to continue every 2-3 weeks, for the coming months, until the money runs out. We have also been

busy helping several families whose houses were falling down to rebuild. Deo from church has

been a very faithful helper, supervising these building projects. Please pray for him and his family.

He needs a replacement motorbike to supervise all that is going on.

Steve’s physical health has slowly declined.  He needs more exercise, which is not easy for him.

Within himself, he is full of hope and trusting the Lord and his humour is as bad as ever!

We need visitors who are willing and able to do practical work help fix things,

just be a general help and encouragement or even do small building projects.

Thank you again for all your prayers, support and love in these interesting days.

Lots of love from Steve and Anne