Newsletter July 2019

Abbas, another young man who broke his back and who Anne met when visiting the others in hospital, has given his life to the Lord and has become a happy young man with joy. He has left the hospital and gone home and his family are very grateful. He has some feeling back in his toes and we are asking the Lord for full restoration of health. We are grateful for all those who help and pray, both of which are much needed.

Anne is very well, busy, and Steve's walking not very good. On the farm they have been growing tomatoes and for the first time for 4-5 weeks they have started to become self sufficient. The passion fruit should start coming again by the end of this month.

As usual we have had plenty of visitors and there have been some very good seminars, which have been very helpful to many in the church.

Lots of love from Steve and Anne.

Who says that retirement is a time to be quiet? Since we have been on a retirement permit, our lives continue to be busy, mostly helping people in their difficulties.

The needs are never ending.

Melubo, the boy that the hippo tried to eat (they eat cows and antelopes) on the first of January, is currently staying with us, while his leg heals. He is a lively 13 year old and he loves the Lord and is always singing and full of joy. His story is one of miracles and we will be sorry when he leaves us in 2-3 weeks. Bariki, the bee sting boy who broke 2 legs and an arm is much better, but one of the legs is still infected. He doesn't get enough good food at home.