Newsletter November 2022

She is back!
In early September Anne got malaria again this time +4 (very serious). The first medicine did not work

but the second one did. After a week of feeling poorly, in the middle of the night she slipped and fell

incurring serious concussion. She fell again and banged her head and damaged her coccyx.

Thankfully there was no bleeding (CT scan showed this). For the first two weeks she was not the wife

I knew, but slowly she has improved and now almost 2 months on, her reasoning, memory and

thinking processes have returned to her. She still has to rest/sleep for a while morning and afternoon.

We had to restrict visitors for a while (even to locking the gate!) as she couldn’t cope with people and

too much conversation. She has recently been driven to town; to see her 96 year old Italian friend

Renata, and little shopping trips. She is not allowed to drive yet, so we are restricted to the help of

others to drive us around. (Steve isn’t driving). Sylvia Davis came for 10 days and was a great help.

The Lord gave me Psalm 41 v1-3 as a promise that she would be healed. We have had enormous help

from friends David and Abigael Raab, a doctor and nurse who came to stay the day after Anne fell

and they stayed with her 24 hours a day, praying and helping her for 2 weeks. Kotema (Melubo’s cousin) has been a great help. Philip came from Norway for a week to help set up things here while Anne has been unwell. We are grateful to the Lord for all the prayer support, love shown and offers of help in these difficult days. It has not been an easy time for Steve with roles reversed and the physical inabilities.

A year ago, we wrote about a drought coming. It came and has continued throughout the year

and we don’t know when it will end. In many areas in the country, cattle and even wild animals are

dying as they have no food to eat. We were able to buy 100 bags of maize from friends who sold to us

at very reasonable prices and through the generosity of donors. This is the second year of no crop.

The price seems to be about 5x normal.

We will have to buy more before too long as there are so many who have little or no food.

Please pray for the church and Abraham and Wilibard as we have some major issues to be sorted

out in the coming weeks/months. I have only been to church once in the last 8 Sundays as Anne

has been unable to drive. This may go on for a while. The farm has been put on hold for just now

and is not operating as it should due to irregularities and the need to put the running of it into

the hands of the owners of the farm; namely the church.

Bible study has been put on hold till Anne is better.

Thank you again for all your prayers, support and love in these interesting days. Lots of love from Steve and Anne.